Benefits of Asphalt Cold Recycling
- By using the existing materials Cost and duration of the rehabilitation projects will be reduced effectively.
-- Distressed asphalt pavement reclaimed and mixed with foamed bitumen / cement
-- Resulting in a perfect recycled new asphalt pavement
- Quality of the recycled layer is high due to consistent high quality of mixing of the in-situ materials with additives (foamed bitumen/bitumen emulsion with or without cement)
- Cold recycling is typically a single-pass operation, layers are homogeneous and do not contain weak interfaces between thinner pavement layers.
- It's an energy conservation method duo to minimum consumption of the fusil fuels.
- Avoiding dumping old asphalt to the nature and minimum requirement of the fresh material turn it to one of the most Environmental friendly systems of its kind.
- No traffic problems, the full train can be accommodated within the width of one traffic line.
- Transversal and longitudinal profile modification of the old road.
TechnologyCold "In Situ" Asphalt Recycling ProcessIs grinding the in-situ asphalt layer and mixing it with underneath base layer to a certain depth and adding recycling additives such as foamed-bitumen, bitumen emulsion, cement and/or their combination. The whole process will complete in a single pass of the recycling train inside the mixing chamber of the recycler. The additive injection is controlled by microprocessor. This will insure the uniform mixing.
StabilizationStabilization is a general term is referring to a process in which additives like lime, cement, bitumen emulsion, foamed-bitumen and their combinations is added to the poor quality material in order to improve their quality. Sand could be mixed with bitumen in the form of emulsion or foamed-bitumen and the final mixture will show remarkable engineering characteristics. The load bearing capacity of stabilized sand enables us to use it as road base.